Where Technical Insight Meet Business Solutions
We can help develop Project Feasibility . . .
The main objective of the Assess phase is to demonstrate the 'Feasibility' of the opportunity. Feasibility implies that there is a high probability of commercial success (NPV > 0) under wide range of scenarios.
Assess phase is characterized by divergent thinking, we can help with:
Looking at the range of of possible subsurface realization
Generating the range of potential development options
Identifying key risks (especially show-stopping risks)
Developing Appraisal strategy to help manage uncertainties and reduce risk.
Prepare Feasibility Report
Subsurface Realizations (see fig below)
Range of key uncertainties and potential outcomes helps define realizations (or visualizations)
Realization are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

Development Options (see fig below)
Range of development decisions and development options define development concepts

Development Scenarios (see fig below)
Range of subsurface realizations and development concepts define a scenario
Few development scenarios will be commercially viable (Green), for all subsurface realizations
These commercial scenarios will be evaluated in detail in next concept SELECT phase.

APPRAISAL (see fig below)
Main objective is to gather data and information; it consists of shooting seismic, reprocessing and interpreting seismic or drilling appraisal well. Appraisal typically occurs in ASSESS or SELECT phases.
Exploration Appraisal: is done to delineate field and assess commerciality to support feasibility
Development Appraisal: is done to support a decision on field development concept

Managing Appraisal In Capital Projects
Effective appraisal results in successful outcome (meeting NPV promise at FID) through good FEL
Exploration Appraisal determines commerciality; i.e. min development threshold (volume) for a concept (EX: SSTB in DW)
Development Appraisal (Good FEL) aims for optimum concept Select; narrowing uncertainty range and higher accuracy through good FEL
An inadequate FEL results in; ‘fundamental errors’ or ‘Unrealistic optimism’ leading to unsuccessful outcomes (NPV downgrade)
Good FEL results in; ‘Understanding Uncertainty’ or ‘Real Optimism’ leading to successful outcomes (meets NPV & production promise)
The Feasibility report will have :
All the data sources and subsurface interpretation (Seismic, geologic, petrophysics, reservoir etc.)
A detailed risk register highlighting key risks and their mitigations
Key subsurface realizations underpinned by key uncertainties
Main development options underpinning the the key development decisions.
Economic screening of development concepts against the criteria
Further data acquisition and appraisal plans for next concept SELECT phase.
Cost estimate at Level-1 (screening; XX%/-YY%)