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EPA /UIC Injection Wells Classes

Class VI Injection Wells
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Definition of Class VI wells
Class VI wells are used to inject carbon dioxide (CO2) into deep rock formations. This long-term underground storage is called geologic sequestration (GS). Geologic sequestration refers to technologies to reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and mitigate climate change.
Class VI well requirements are designed to protect underground sources of drinking water (USDWs). Requirements address:
Requirements for Class VI wells
EPA developed specific criteria for Class VI wells:
Extensive site characterization requirements
Injection well construction requirements for materials that are compatible with and can withstand contact with CO2 over the life of a GS project
Injection well operation requirements
Comprehensive monitoring requirements that address all aspects of well integrity, CO2 injection and storage, and ground water quality during the injection operation and the post-injection site care period
Financial responsibility requirements assuring the availability of funds for the life of a GS project (including post-injection site care and emergency response)
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements that provide project-specific information to continually evaluate Class VI operations and confirm USDW protection
Class VI guidance documents
Review Class VI guidance document from EPA/UIC
Class VI Permit Outline
Review Class VI permit outline from EPA/UIC