Where Technical Insight Meet Business Solutions

Exploration Support
We can provide lifecycle exploration support in Play Based Evaluation (PBE) for assessing exploration opportunities in an holistic manner; at Basin, Play and prospect levels.
Basin Level
We seek to understand the underlying fundamental petroleum systems which controls distribution of hydrocarbons
Play Level
We assess what plays are present in the basin and map out their extent and properties. We also assess the play elements
The Charge
Prospect Level
We seek to understand the detailed prospect specific trapping mechanism for hydrocarbon accumulations, and reservoir and fluid properties we can expect to find.

Our Philosophy
We provide lifecycle support in developing credible and highly successful exploration programs; from high-risk-high-reward Frontier Basins to Mature Basins. We can help you understand :
-Petroleum System
-Play Volume & Risk Assessment
-Prospect Volume & Risk Assessment
Lifecycle Exploration Support
Basin Evaluation (Regional Studies )
Do we understand Petroleum Systems?
Are We in the right basin?
Play Evaluation
Do we understand the Play?
Are we in the right part of the basin?
Prospect Evaluation
Do we understand the Prospect volume & risks?
Have we selected the right prospect?
Regional studies,
Exploration and appraisal drilling.

Our Approach
We take a systematic approach in our exploration support (see fig below); starting from regional approach, to data gathering interpretation to asses prospectively, volumes, notional development concepts till we have a discovery well. We can help you put together an exploration plan to cover and guide:

Peer Support &
Technical Assurance
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Regional Overview
Regional basin setting
Analogue & Field Size Distribution (FSD) studies
Infrastructure overview to monetize hydrocarbons
Licensing & commercial terms
Geophysics & Seismic Mapping
Seismic Data Acquisition
Seismic Processing
Seismic Stratigraphy
Seismic Interpretation
Depth Conversion
Logging & coring program
Well log interpretation
SCAL/CCAL analysis
Rock properties estimation
Depositional environment
GeologicL modeling
Age Dating
Source, seal, trap, reservoir
basin Modeling
Source rock evaluation
Basin Modeling guidance
High grade plays/prospects
High grade leads
Probabilistic Volumetric analysis
Fluid and rock properties estimation
Notional Concept Development
Production Forecasting & Economics
Exploration Drilling
Technical Assurance /Peer Assist
Development Support
We provide development solution & potential value estimate to the exploration teams.
Your team has an excellent Basin/Play (Leads) /Prospect, you know the volumes but want to estimate its potential value after development; we can help your team grow its portfolio by providing volumes to value (V2V) support throughout exploration lifecycle:
Develop Analogues & Fluid-Correlations in Proven/Unproven Basins to Estimate:
Fluid properties
Recovery mechanisms and recovery factors (EUR)
Estimate Initial Well Potential (IP)
Estimated Ultimate Recovery per well (EUR)/well
Technology-to-Business mapping to unlock the potential play
Provide external review/challenge to prospects
Evaluate Notional Development Concepts
Well-type, spacing and well-count
Development concept; CAPEX & OPEX and schedule
Develop 1D/2D/3D models and generate production function
Evaluate surface/subsurface complexities
Develop appraisal strategies
Generate notional development plans strategies
Evaluate Potential Value of the Development
Help build decision trees and Estimated Monetary Value (EMV)
Help with exploration economics