Where Technical Insight Meet Business Solutions
We can help Identify opportunities
In Identify phase we make a conscious decision to identify exloration opportunities. In this phase we can help answer two question;
Do we understand what we getting into?
And should we spend resources in assessing it?.
This requires two steps:
Setting Up Venture
A business structure is created to conduct business and ensure partners & stakeholders are aligned. A business venture could be
Exploration (organic growth) :Acquisition of acreage for economic exploitation of oil & gas
New Business Development (inorganic) growth): Acquisition of a green or brown fields
2. Exploration
The main objective is to:
Acquire exploration acreage within license for potential hydrocarbon discovery,
Its economic development and production.
Exploration include
Basin evaluation
Plays identification
Lead generation
Prospect maturation
Exploration well drilling
We can also help mature VOLUMES-TO-VALUE (V2V) for exploration lifecycle
We can also provide External Technical Assurance Review (ETAR) for your opportunity