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Subsurface Engineering
We have deep expertise, we can help . . . 

G&G / Reservoir / Well Engineering Advisory / CCUS (Click for CCUS )


Buying an oil & gas asset or looking to turnaround an existing asset ? We can help !

We have deep subsurface and reservoir engineering expertise. We provide expert advise to exploration & New Business Development (NBD) teams and asset teams to help improve the performance of the complex oil and gas reservoirs in conventional and unconventional fields. 


  1. Fundamental reservoir data analysis

  2. Reservoir fluid characterization and modeling of black-oils and compositional fluids

  3. Primary, secondary and tertiary recovery assessment methods (IOR/EOR)

  4. Reservoir characterization, simulation modeling and production forecasting

  5. Numerical reservoir simulation; Black-oil and compositional modeling

  6. Reservoir development and depletion strategies 

  7. Asset turnaround strategies

  8. Integrated production system modeling (IPSM) 

  9. Risk & uncertainty management with multiple scenario modeling and range of subsurface realizations

  10. Pressure Transient Test Analysis (PTA)

  11. Hydrocarbon Resource Management (HRM) and reserves estimation

  12. Reservoir surveillance and Well, Reservoir & Field Management (WRFM)

  13. Production logging, testing and productivity enhancement

Asset Turnaround
Asset Turnaround
We can help you turnaround your brown field asset into a heartland
  • Conduct Produce The Limit. (PTL) exercise / workshop to identify production constraints & maximize Produced Developed Producing (PDP) reserves and production:

    • Reservoir constraints

    • Well constraints

    • Artificial Lift constraints

    • Facility constraints

    • Pipeline constraints

    • Export constraints

  • Identify low cost rigless opportunities /strategies 

    • Gas lift optimization

    • Acid stimulation

    • Squeeze perforations

    • Identify productive zones

    • Drill water disposal wells 

  • Identify worker opportunities

  • Identify OPEX reduction opportunities; reduce lifting cost &  improve margins; especially when ROIC < WACC

  • Monetize Produce Developed Non-Producing (PDNP) reserves through re-completing behind pipe volumes

  • Monetize Proved Undeveloped (PUD) reserves through development and maturation planning

  • Identify and monetize contingent and prospective resources; mature them in 5-year business plan 

  • Prepare Field Development (FDP) plans to mature contingent resources (CR) and prospective resources (PR)

  • Develop technology development and deployment plans to mature technology intensive resources

  • Help develop 5-year business plan to improve profit margins and growth

  • Help develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI) -  Click; Management Consulting

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Reservoir Characterization & Simulation | Modeling
  • Data collection , validation and preparation

  • Upscale Static models

  • Develop dynamic models

  • Initialization & volume estimates

  • History matching

  • Production forecasting

Hydrocarbon Resource Management & Reserve Estimation

HRM is at the heart of asset valuation and business planning. We can provide guidance resource estimation and maturation plans:

  • Prospective Resource (PR) assessment; Play, Leads & Prospects

  • Contingent Resources (CR) assessment; 

  • Reserves Assessment; Proved Developed (PD) & Proved Undeveloped (PUD), Proved Developed Producing (PDP), and Proved Developed Non Producing (PDNP) reserves

  • Range of uncertainty; 1P, 2P, 3P (or 1C, 2C, 3C)

Production Forecasting

We can help develop production forecast for various stages of business planning:

  • Risked & Un-risked exploration forecast 

  • Contingent Resources forecast (capital investment for growth) 

  • No-Further Activity (NFA) forecast (PDP reserves & open only)

  • Full lifecycle portfolio forecast for business planning

  • Others

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Integrated Production  System Modeling

IPSM models permits the engineer to determine the optimum setting to maximum production or revenue, taking account of all constraints that are set in the system. 

  • PROSPERwell modeling

  • MBAL: Material balance and reservoir modeling

  • GAP; surface network modeling with real field constraints

  • For Gas, oil and NGL reservoirs

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Uncertainty Management

Uncertainty is inherent subsurface but can be managed and reduced with effective appraisal program, front-end loading (FEL). Without it projects are delayed and value degrade or destroyed.   we can help with developing

  • Develop Effective Appraisal programs with optimum FEL

  • Identify needs for exploration & development appraisal

  • Identify key uncertain variable impacting recovery & NPV

  • Develop range of subsurface scenarios and development options to ensure that selected concept is robust under uncertainty

Improved Recovery/Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

EOR can recover 30% - 60% more oil that is in-place. CO2-EOR in US injects about 2.0 billion ft3 and produce 280,000 bpd.  This has additional benefit of storing CO2 in the ground. We can help with various EOR

  • Miscible & miscible injection

  • Thermal recovery 

  • Chemical recovery

  • CO2 EOR

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Carbon Capture Storage

CO2 capture and its storage in depleted oil & gas reservoirs or storage in deep saline aquifer is a leading way to eliminate Co2 emissions. We can help with  (SEE: CARBON STORAGE)

  • Site Characterization

  • Class-II & Class-VI well design & permitting

  • Developing plume modeling 

  • Various trapping methods; structural, hysteresis or residual trapping, solubility trapping mineral trapping

  • Lifecycle injection modeling 

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Unconventional Reservoir Engineering

We offer integrated approach of de-risking unconventional play resulting in better growth and profits (SEE UNCONVENTIONAL):

  • Data collection, review & QA/QC

  • Develop big rules for the play & identify 'Killer risks'

  • Develop Critical Risk Segment (CRS) maps & play segment maps

  • Map EUR and IP; & identify 'sweet-spot'

  • Help optimize well & completions for maximum IP & EUR

Pressure Transient Analysis

PTA, is, in most cases, about analyzing high frequency, high resolution shut-in data (SEE: WELL TESTING).

  • PVT, data QA/QC

  • Diagnostic analysis; Log-log; semi-log; specialized plot

  • Analytical models; wellbore, reservoir, inner / outer boundary

  • 2D | 3D models 

  • Standard & Other tests; 


Checkout this section for interesting embedded graphs

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