Where Technical Insight Meet Business Solutions
Unconventional (Tight Oil/Gas) Development
We can help with lifecycle unconventional developments
Unconventional resources can provide energy security at affordable price in uncertain times and political turmoil. Even in the deep decarbonizing scenarios (IEA -SDS), oil demand will still be around 67 MMstbpd. Only the most abundant, reliable and flexible hydrocarbon sources will be competitive in agile portfolio's; only the US unconventional (tight oil/gas) resources fits the bill; we can help you identify and develop these unconventional plays (see also our video below).
Watch our Video on Shale Revolution & New Business models
Key Questions; How To Beat the Competition?
We can help you answer these challenging questions and develop a profitable strategy
What are the 'Big-Rules' that can help defines your unconventional play?
What is the main 'play-area' based on big rules? Where to focus on drilling?
Where is the 'sweet-spot' within the play, and How to characterize it?
What are the reservoir and well controls on productivity?
What are the most optimum well completion and fracture design?
Our Experience
We have extensive experience in unconventional shale within continental USA (Antrim Shale in Michigan, and Eagleford Shale in Texas) to help you identify / evaluate unconventional plays/acreage and develop exploitation strategy.
Our Methodology/Approach
We have an auditable approach and a sound methodology to ensure success. Before acquisition as well as after acquiring acreage, we can help you with our 5-Step, play de-risking approach that guarantees high productivity and consistent results:
We help you develop big 'Big-Rules' for your unconventional oil or gas play
The big-rules help develop 'Common Risk Segment' (CRS) map; characterizing attractiveness of areas within the play
We then help develop a 'Sweet Spotting' strategy
We map PI's /IP's in the play and develop integrated view of 'controls on productivity.'
We then develop play specific 'well-completions' & 'fracturing design' to de-risk the play
We help develop big rules that are for that are specific for your oil & gas play (see source rock evaluation) - See Sample below:

We help build the CRS maps for key play elements that identify and narrow the potentially attractive areas for sweet-spotting; see example below;

We query databases and prepare map of Expected Ultimate Recovery (EUR) and Initial Potential (IP) to identify top quartile EUR/IP (sweet-spot) and relate to reservoir and maturity parameters that control the sweet spot (see Source Rock Evaluation)

Map well Productivity Indices (PI) and/or Initial Potential (IP) and relate to various reservoir parameter that control production.