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The pipelines are dominant mode of transporting CO2 in US and account for 90% of CO2 transported in dense state. it is therefore first compressed as a gas and then pumped in a super-critical state (Temperature ~ 88 oF & Pressure ~ 1070 psia)  at significantly higher pressures than natural gas.  Transportation of CO2 through pipeline is established in USA

What Are the Issues & Challenges in Transporting CO2 in CCS projects?

We can provide a transportation overview to demystify the challenges before you start CCS project

  • There are 50+ CO2 pipelines operating in USA currently pumping about 68 mtpa

  • Most of CO2 pumped in US is sourced from natural CO2 reservoirs in Colorado, N Mexico & Wyoming

  • US has nearly 5000 miles of CO2 pipeline Newark compared to 800,000 miles of natural gas

  • CO2 pipeline are dedicated and cost & design depends on volume, pressure and distance

  • CO2 PL cost account as much as 25% of total CCS project cost (pipeline, compression & pumping)

  • CO2 tariffs are rarely quoted and most often negotiated between parties

  • Infrastructure projects, linking hub & clusters of sources & sinks can reduce transportation cost 

Table below list major CO2 pipelines

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  • Onshore pipelines can be competitive up to 1000 km distance ($2 -$10/ton


  • Although much smaller markets; it can be competitive for distances greater than 1000 km on land


  • Shipping: Its high cost but can be reduced with volume and distance

  • Offshore pipelines are competitive at distances less than 1000 km

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